Published Annexes to the General Rules on Foreign Trade for 2025


On 6 January 2025, the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) published in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF) the annexes corresponding to the General Foreign Trade Rules for 2025 (RGCE 2025), which entered into force the day after their publication.

These annexes cover key aspects of foreign trade, such as customs infrastructure, regulatory criteria in foreign trade, and specifications for certain products and processes.

Newly Published Annexes

The publication included crucial annexes, which are:

  • Annex 3: Customs offices and customs sections with technology integration components for the use of the technological device.
  • Annex 4: Customs hours of operation.
  • Annex 5: Compilation of normative and non-binding criteria in customs and foreign trade matters.
  • Annex 6: Rules of operation of the Tariff Classification Board and compilation of tariff classification criteria and the Commercial Information Number (NICO).
  • Annex 7: Goods for which ejidatarios do not require registration in the register of importers and, where appropriate, in the register of importers of specific sectors.
  • Annex 8: Goods for the exclusive use of the importer for which registration in the register of importers and, where applicable, in the register of importers of specific sectors is not required.
  • Annex 9: Goods for which there is no obligation to pay the General Import Tax (IGI) and medical equipment for the importation of which registration in the register of importers is not required and, if applicable, in the register of importers of specific sectors.
  • Annex 11: Fiscal routes authorized for the international transit of goods from Ensenada or Guaymas to the United States of America.
  • Annex 12: Goods that may leave the national territory under the temporary export regime.
  • Annex 14: Import or export of hydrocarbons, petroleum products, petrochemical products and sulphur, by means of weekly or monthly pedimentos.
  • Annex 15: Maximum distances and time limits in calendar days for transit arrivals.
  • Annex 16: Customs offices authorised to process the customs clearance of goods that begin international transit at the northern border and end at the southern border of the country or vice versa, as well as the fiscal routes authorised for this purpose.
  • Annex 17: Goods for which international transit through national territory shall not be allowed.
  • Annex 18: Goods which may not be placed under the customs procedure of tax warehouse.
  • Annex 19: Inaccurate, false or omitted data for which the infringement established in Article 184, Section III of the Law is applicable.
  • Annex 20: Goods subject to the declaration of nominative or mixed marks.
  • Annex 21: Customs offices exclusively for the clearance of certain types of goods.
  • Annex 23: Dangerous goods or goods requiring special facilities or equipment for sampling or both.
  • Annex 24: Minimum information to be contained in the automated inventory control system.
  • Annex 25: Checkpoints for the introduction of goods from the border area or border region to the rest of the national territory.
  • Annex 26: Omitted or inaccurate data relating to compliance with the NOMs on commercial information for which goods may be detained.
  • Annex 28: Goods that may be imported by companies that are registered in the Business Certification Scheme, Value Added Tax (VAT) and Special Tax on Production and Services (Impuesto Especial sobre Producción y Servicios).
  • Annex 29: Goods that cannot be destined to the following regimes: temporary import for manufacturing, transformation or repair in maquila or export programmes; tax warehouse; manufacturing, transformation or repair in bonded warehouses and strategic bonded warehouses.
  • Annex 30: Information from the System for the Control of Credit and Guarantee Accounts (SCCCyG).

Pending Annexes

Some key annexes are still awaiting publication, such as formats and models related to foreign trade, specific formalities, and product registrations in specific sectors. In addition, the instructions for filling out the customs declaration and the tariff fractions related to the payment of VAT are to be published.

These changes seek to simplify and optimise customs processes, facilitate the transit of goods and ensure greater transparency in trade operations.

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