Ron DeSantis increases the minimum wage at Florida


The state of Florida, led by Ron DeSantis, will experience an increase in its minimum wage, positioning itself as one of the states with the highest wages in the United States.

This change will take place in compliance with Amendment 2, approved in 2020, and will provide greater economic stability in the face of inflation and the rising cost of living.

Minimum Wage Increases in Florida by Ron DeSantis

What Will the Minimum Wage in Florida Be, as Agreed by Ron DeSantis?

The plan outlined by Amendment 2 specifies annual increases in the minimum wage until it reaches $15 per hour by 2026. The dates for these adjustments are as follows:

  • September 30, 2025: The minimum wage will increase to $14 per hour.
  • 2026: The final goal of $15 per hour will be achieved.

This change is a milestone for workers in Florida, especially for those in low-income sectors such as hospitality, retail, and food services, where most employees rely on the minimum wage.

Tip-based employees will benefit from increases in their base pay, which will rise to $10.98 per hour in 2025 and $11.98 per hour in 2026, allowing them to reach the general minimum wage when combined with tips.

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This increase places Florida among the select group of states with a minimum wage above $15 per hour, including:

  • California
  • New York
  • Washington

Meanwhile, the federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour, highlighting Ron DeSantis‘ commitment to improving the living conditions of Florida residents.


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